Educational Living will attempt to resolve any issues or problems that may arise on an informal basis initially.
Examples of misconduct
- swearing or making offensive gestures
- threatening or intimidating others
- being affected by alcohol or other illegal/unauthorized drugs
- cheating or plagiarising and alleging it is your own work
- not paying fees or charges
Summary Action
Your trainer may ask you to leave a class if your conduct is not in accordance with the code of conduct or may fail your work if you have behaved dishonestly. Staff misbehaving or acting dishonestly may be suspended. We can ask people who are not staff or candidates to leave the class at any time. If the activity is of a criminal nature we may call the police.
Further Penalty
If the nature of the misconduct is serious the Directors have the ability to:
- demand a written apology
- cancel an enrollment
- exclude a person from enrollment
- require payment for any damage
- dismiss a staff member
Appeals can be made in writing to Reception, within five (5) working days of a penalty being issued.