+61 3 9769 5155

Qualifications Issued (Testamurs)

The Certificates, Record of Results and Statements of Attainment that Educational Living issues are consistent with ASQA, AQF and VRQA requirements as well as Training Package requirements. These will be issued at the appropriate intervals, upon completion and during the time the candidate is enrolled with Education Living.

Statements of Attainment
In the event that for whatever reason a candidate has had to cancel or transfer their enrolment for a course/qualification, Educational Living will at no extra cost issue a Statement of Attainment for the units of competency the candidate has successfully completed. The issuance of the Statement of Attainment will only occur once Educational Living is satisfied that the candidate has paid any outstanding fees and charges and completed all work required up until the date of the candidate cancelling or transferring their enrolment.

Recognition of Australian Qualifications (AQF) Issued by other Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s)
Educational Living will at all times abide by the mutual recognition agreements formed between all states/territory of Australia in the recognition of other RTO’s training and certification therein awarded.

Educational Living will:

  • recognise Nationally Recognised Training through the provision of certification showing all requirements as detailed within the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF); and
  • communicate with the issuing RTO’s for the provision of written confirmation re: a Certificate or Statement of Attainment, if doubt is evident

Gaining Access to Your Records
It is Educational Living’s policy to provide regular updates to you and your employer about your participation in the training and assessment services we provide, if your request for access to your records is after completion of your enrolment with us, then you will be required to put you request for information in writing via our Candidate permission Request Form. We will then provide you with the information you seek. If your file has been archived it may take us longer to provide you this information. With regards to access to your records by other people, please refer to the important information on this website under “privacy and confidentiality”.

Please refer to the individual courses in Course Info for the pathways information for each qualification.